eix-0.25.5.ebuild:HOMEPAGE="http://eix.berlios.de" eix-0.25.5.ebuild:SRC_URI="mirror://berlios/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz" eix-0.29.3.ebuild:HOMEPAGE="http://eix.berlios.de" eix-0.29.3.ebuild:SRC_URI="mirror://berlios/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz"
All versions <eix-0.30.4 should be removed from the tree: They are buggy and/or do not work properly with current portage, and eix-0.30.4 is now stable on all arches. Ian, let me know when you have time again: Then I will release eix-0.30.7; perhaps we can then skip eix-0.30.6 and immediately put eix-0.30.7 in the tree.
I removed the old versions.