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Bug 534022 - repoman: Add some newlines to *DEPEND output for clarity
Summary: repoman: Add some newlines to *DEPEND output for clarity
Alias: None
Product: Portage Development
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Repoman (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Portage team
Keywords: PATCH
Depends on:
Blocks: 484436 550110
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Reported: 2014-12-30 17:00 UTC by Jeroen Roovers (RETIRED)
Modified: 2015-05-23 01:48 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

repoman-pformat.patch (repoman-pformat.patch,817 bytes, patch)
2015-05-17 08:58 UTC, Jeroen Roovers (RETIRED)
Details | Diff

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Description Jeroen Roovers (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2014-12-30 17:00:27 UTC
Simulated example:

   dev-python/sqlalchemy-migrate/sqlalchemy-migrate-0.9.2.ebuild: RDEPEND: ~x86(hardened/linux/x86/selinux) ['>=dev-python/pbr-0.5.21[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)]', '<dev-python/pbr-1.0[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)]', '>=dev-python/sqlalchemy-0.7.8[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)]', 'dev-python/decorator[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)]', '>=dev-python/six-1.4.1[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)]', '>=dev-python/tempita-0.4[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)]', 'dev-python/python-sqlparse[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)]']

would look a lot more legible when printed like this:

   dev-python/sqlalchemy-migrate/sqlalchemy-migrate-0.9.2.ebuild: RDEPEND: ~x86(hardened/linux/x86/selinux) [

I'm sure bugzilla is going to mess with how this is displayed, but the idea is to put every element of the printed array on a separate line.

We could even ditch the entire pythonesque array output, since that's just how python likes it and not really useful for machine or human parsing otherwise. Or do we have scrapers out there that actually rely on this output format?
Comment 1 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2015-01-23 09:43:36 UTC
I fully support this suggestion, it will prevent me from missing some package by error ;)
Comment 2 Jeroen Roovers (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2015-05-17 08:58:20 UTC
Created attachment 403458 [details, diff]

Something like this.
Comment 3 Brian Dolbec (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2015-05-18 23:45:22 UTC
Released in portage-2.2.20