+*ntp-4.2.6_p5-r11 (12 Oct 2014) + + 12 Oct 2014; Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> +files/ntpd.service-r2, + +files/ntpdate.service-r1, +files/sntp.service-r2, +ntp-4.2.6_p5-r11.ebuild, + -ntp-4.2.6_p5-r8.ebuild: + Conflicts=systemd-timesyncd.service will be needed for systemd-216 (#521804), + drop old version committed by me long time ago. + The changes are trivial and safe and, then, we should be able to directly fast stabilize on all arches... but for letting you to give your opinion :/
will CC arches next week if nobody disagrees
Superseded by bug #533076.