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Bug 50972 - Requested: ebuild for cruisecontrol
Summary: Requested: ebuild for cruisecontrol
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: Lowest enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Whiteboard: sunrise suggested
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on: 95830
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2004-05-13 13:03 UTC by Maxwell Grender-Jones
Modified: 2015-08-12 06:37 UTC (History)
12 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

cruisecontrol-2.1.6.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.1.6.ebuild,2.16 KB, text/plain)
2004-10-07 05:05 UTC, Eivind Tagseth
files/config.xml (config.xml,899 bytes, text/plain)
2004-10-07 05:06 UTC, Eivind Tagseth
files/build.xml (build.xml,231 bytes, text/plain)
2004-10-07 05:07 UTC, Eivind Tagseth
cruisecontrol-2.1.6-r1.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.1.6-r1.ebuild,2.25 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-08 22:55 UTC, Josh Nichols (RETIRED)
cruisecontrol-2.1.6-nocheckstyle.patch (cruisecontrol-2.1.6-nocheckstyle.patch,712 bytes, patch)
2005-05-10 11:35 UTC, Josh Nichols (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
cruisecontrol-2.1.6-r1.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.1.6-r1.ebuild,4.80 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-10 11:41 UTC, Josh Nichols (RETIRED)
cruisecontrol-2.1.6-gentoo.patch (cruisecontrol-2.1.6-gentoo.patch,11.22 KB, patch)
2005-05-10 11:42 UTC, Josh Nichols (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
dev-util/cruisecontrol/cruisecontrol-2.2.1.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.2.1.ebuild,5.96 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-11 09:28 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol-2.2.1-gentoo.patch (cruisecontrol-2.2.1-gentoo.patch,10.65 KB, patch)
2005-05-11 09:29 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
Details | Diff
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol.init (cruisecontrol.init,1.53 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-11 09:30 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/cruisecontrol-2.2.1.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.2.1.ebuild,6.00 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-11 12:23 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol.init (cruisecontrol.init,1.65 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-11 12:25 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/cruisecontrol-2.2.1.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.2.1.ebuild,6.02 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-20 14:58 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/config-2.2.1.xml (config-2.2.1.xml,2.88 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-20 14:59 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol.init (cruisecontrol.init,1.73 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-20 15:00 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol-2.2.1-pmd.patch (cruisecontrol-2.2.1-pmd.patch,5.80 KB, patch)
2005-05-20 15:01 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
Details | Diff
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol-2.2.1-pmd.patch (cruisecontrol-2.2.1-pmd.patch,5.84 KB, patch)
2005-05-20 15:21 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
Details | Diff
dev-util/cruisecontrol/cruisecontrol-2.2.1.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.2.1.ebuild,6.09 KB, text/plain)
2005-05-23 07:52 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol-2.2.1-findbugs.patch (cruisecontrol-2.2.1-findbugs.patch,12.90 KB, patch)
2005-05-23 07:52 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
Details | Diff
dev-util/cruisecontrol/cruisecontrol-2.3.1.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.3.1.ebuild,5.43 KB, text/plain)
2005-11-11 14:20 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol-2.3.1-gentoo.patch (cruisecontrol-2.3.1-gentoo.patch,1.05 KB, patch)
2005-11-11 14:21 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
Details | Diff
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol-2.3.1-findbugs.patch (cruisecontrol-2.3.1-findbugs.patch,13.12 KB, patch)
2005-11-11 14:22 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
Details | Diff
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol.init (cruisecontrol.init,1.75 KB, text/plain)
2005-11-11 14:23 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/cruisecontrol-2.3.1.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.3.1.ebuild,5.50 KB, text/plain)
2005-11-15 14:31 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol-2.3.1-jsp12.patch (cruisecontrol-2.3.1-jsp12.patch,837 bytes, patch)
2005-11-15 14:32 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
Details | Diff
dev-util/cruisecontrol/files/cruisecontrol-2.3.1-jsp12.patch (cruisecontrol-2.3.1-jsp12.patch,6.28 KB, patch)
2005-11-15 14:47 UTC, Christopher G. Stach II
Details | Diff
dev-util/cruisecontrol-2.5.ebuild (cruisecontrol-2.5.ebuild,5.43 KB, text/plain)
2006-12-09 12:04 UTC, Kristian
files/2.5/cruisecontrol.conf (cruisecontrol.conf,822 bytes, text/plain)
2006-12-09 12:05 UTC, Kristian
files/2.5/cruisecontrol-2.5-findbugs.patch (cruisecontrol-2.5-findbugs.patch,12.99 KB, patch)
2006-12-09 12:06 UTC, Kristian
Details | Diff
files/2.5/cruisecontrol-2.5-gentoo.patch (cruisecontrol-2.5-gentoo.patch,1.04 KB, patch)
2006-12-09 12:08 UTC, Kristian
Details | Diff
files/2.5/cruisecontrol-2.5-jsp12.patch (cruisecontrol-2.5-jsp12.patch,6.91 KB, patch)
2006-12-09 12:08 UTC, Kristian
Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Maxwell Grender-Jones 2004-05-13 13:03:34 UTC
It would be nice to have this extremely useful continual build checker as an ebuild.
Comment 1 Eivind Tagseth 2004-10-07 05:04:21 UTC
Ok, here's an attempt.  The dependencies could be better...

Uses /var/cruisecontrol as default work directory.
Comment 2 Eivind Tagseth 2004-10-07 05:05:29 UTC
Created attachment 41278 [details]
Comment 3 Eivind Tagseth 2004-10-07 05:06:05 UTC
Created attachment 41279 [details]
Comment 4 Eivind Tagseth 2004-10-07 05:07:10 UTC
Created attachment 41280 [details]

Not really necessary, it just offers a sample skeleton to build your own from.
Comment 5 Bret Comstock Waldow 2004-11-04 16:28:21 UTC
This ebuild fails for me.

"virtual-java" fails, and I replace that with "dev-java/sun-jdk".  I have Sun set as my system JVM.  Sun 1.5.0 is installed as well.

Next, I get errors:
bash-2.05b# emerge cruisecontrol
Calculating dependencies ...done!
>>> emerge (1 of 1) dev-util/cruisecontrol-2.1.6 to /
>>> md5 src_uri ;-)
>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking to /var/tmp/portage/cruisecontrol-2.1.6/work
>>> Source unpacked.
 * Building CruiseControl
Could not find package xerces
Could not find package ant
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/ant/Main

!!! ERROR: dev-util/cruisecontrol-2.1.6 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 41, Exitcode 1
!!! Compile of cruisecontrol failed
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status message.

bash-2.05b$ java-config --classpath=junit,xerces,commons-collections,ant,commons-logging
Could not find package xerces
Could not find package ant

I have unmerged and remerged Xerces and ant.  Is the problem actually something in those ebuilds?  I don't know what is registered so that they would be found.
Comment 6 Maxwell Grender-Jones 2004-11-05 02:49:37 UTC
For one thing cruisecontrol depends on the version 1 series of xerces, not the version 2 series, so you'll need to change the DEPEND on xerces to <=dev-java/xerces-2.0.0 (i.e. you want the 1.3.1 build).

Comment 7 Brian Harring (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-03-20 22:01:52 UTC
Any interest in this?
Comment 8 Josh Nichols (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-08 22:55:05 UTC
Created attachment 58438 [details]

* Changed dependency from dev-java/ant to dev-java/ant-core
* Changed dependency from virtual/java to virtual/jdk
* Changed dependency from dev-java/xerces to =dev-java/xerces-1*
* Added doc to IUSE
* Added src_unpack, and a patch that disables checkstyle from being used for
the webapp
* Replaced "java -cp "$CLASSPATH"" with calls to ant
* No longers installs from FILESDIR (it's actually in
${S}/main/bin )
* Documentation is only made/installed when doc is in USEFLAGS
* Variable in pkg_config made local
Comment 9 Josh Nichols (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-08 23:23:53 UTC
This package also would need a new license added to portage. It is available at
Comment 10 Josh Nichols (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-10 11:35:48 UTC
Created attachment 58597 [details, diff]

This patch prevents ${S}/reporting/jsp/build.xml's compile target from
depending on checkstyle
Comment 11 Josh Nichols (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-10 11:41:41 UTC
Created attachment 58602 [details]

An improved ebuild.

* I changed the way external jars are used, after talking to some folks on
#gentoo-java. This time around, we'll use a file. Both
build.xml files needed to be tweaked to accomplish this, and is done through
* Now uses external jars for the webapp, and dependencies were added
* Added jikes, junit, and checkstyle use flags
* Tweaked the way ant is called in src_compile
Comment 12 Josh Nichols (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-10 11:42:30 UTC
Created attachment 58604 [details, diff]

Gentooifies the build.xml files to use a file, and some other
Comment 13 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-11 09:28:38 UTC
Created attachment 58674 [details]

New version, improved from Josh's 2.1.6 ebuild with some fixes.

* Added dependency: servletapi-2.4 (not used yet due to build problem)
* Removed dependency: jfreechart (There is currently no ebuild for the required
0.9.8 version that is supplied with CruiseControl.  The jfreechart API is very
unstable and CruiseControl has not kept up to date with its changes.)
* Fixed java-config line for jdom
* In build.xml, use pathelement path=, not location= (java-config -p produces
classpath-like results, not a single file)
* Relocated configuration files to /etc
* Added init script
* Fixed installation process
* Added cruise user and group
* Moved log dir to /var/log
* Removed redundant nocheckstyle patch
* Tried to fix as best as I could the improper use of java-pkg_jar-from and
* Removed test-all target for war.  test is called before building war.
* Don't use jikes for war build.  Jikes 1.21 and 1.22 both segfault over here. 
Please test.
* Fixed dodoc for this version of CruiseControl
* Do full installation without needing to run an ebuild config

Problems (feel free to fix):

* nscd caching helps generate unknown user messages
* war packaging target is messed up due to the zipfileset target requirements
of a directory or source file list, now packages with supplied jars instead of
ones fetched from java-config, etc.
* I don't think the system's batik libs are being used.  The supplied ones
work, though.
Comment 14 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-11 09:29:50 UTC
Created attachment 58675 [details, diff]
Comment 15 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-11 09:30:16 UTC
Created attachment 58677 [details]
Comment 16 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-11 12:23:05 UTC
Created attachment 58685 [details]

Keep build logs in /var/cruisecontrol/logs, but keep run logs in
Comment 17 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-11 12:25:20 UTC
Created attachment 58686 [details]

Fix startup with proper start-stop-daemon and coerce run logs to go to
Comment 18 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-20 14:58:35 UTC
Created attachment 59411 [details]

Updated, added pmd patch, removed build.xml, etc.
Comment 19 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-20 14:59:42 UTC
Created attachment 59412 [details]

New config.xml with a much better example :)
Comment 20 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-20 15:00:24 UTC
Created attachment 59413 [details]

Updated (I think)
Comment 21 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-20 15:01:27 UTC
Created attachment 59414 [details, diff]

Patch to display PMD XML reports in CC webapp.	This hasn't been submitted
upstream yet...
Comment 22 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-20 15:21:24 UTC
Created attachment 59416 [details, diff]

Gah!  Fixed colspan; Sort columns numerically, not stringly; Reassigned
severity colors (and in the proper order this time!)
Comment 23 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-23 07:52:18 UTC
Created attachment 59629 [details]

Added FindBugs reporting patch
Comment 24 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-05-23 07:52:41 UTC
Created attachment 59630 [details, diff]
Comment 25 Srepfler Srgjan 2005-07-08 03:08:52 UTC
I'm having problems in reaching the end of the compile process. It stops on the
mx4j package (bug 95830 ?) missing the JMXDeserialiser library. I took a look at
the Hessian code on the Caucho site and the jar does indeed contain various
deserializers. It seems the mx4j ebuild has some wrong dependencies. Please
check to add the Hessian ebuild and eventually correct the mx4j ebuild. This is
anyway my error log.
    [mkdir] Created dir: /var/tmp/portage/mx4j-2.1.0/work/mx4j-2.1.0/classes/tools
    [javac] Compiling 308 source files to
no interface expected here
    [javac] class JMXDeserializer extends Deserializer
    [javac]                               ^
no interface expected here
    [javac] class JMXSerializer extends Serializer
    [javac]                             ^
    [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
    [javac] Note: Recompile with -deprecation for details.
    [javac] 2 errors

/var/tmp/portage/mx4j-2.1.0/work/mx4j-2.1.0/build/build.xml:298: Compile failed;
see the compiler error output for details.

Total time: 30 seconds

!!! ERROR: dev-java/mx4j-2.1.0 failed.
!!! Function src_compile, Line 51, Exitcode 1
!!! ant failed
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status message.
Comment 26 Srepfler Srgjan 2005-10-14 14:38:50 UTC
I haven't seen any update on the situation. Is there any progress? How about a
2.3 bump?
Comment 27 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-11-11 14:20:28 UTC
Created attachment 72708 [details]
Comment 28 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-11-11 14:21:44 UTC
Created attachment 72709 [details, diff]
Comment 29 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-11-11 14:22:32 UTC
Created attachment 72711 [details, diff]
Comment 30 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-11-11 14:23:10 UTC
Created attachment 72712 [details]
Comment 31 Josh Nichols (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-12 18:57:13 UTC
I've added dev-util/cruisecontrol to the experimental java overlay (see http:// for details.

It no longer depends on bundled dependencies. The most recent ebuild here still 
used bundled jars for fast-md5, cewolf, and an older release of jfreechart. I've 
added the necessary packages to the overlay to accomodate this.

I've changed the init script to make use of /etc/conf.d/cruisecontrol.
I've changed unit tests to be executed during src_test, and changed USE=junit to 

I also had to change the sample config.xml, because there was a comment inside a 
comment, which XML parsers don't like. 

It works as far as I can tell, ie service starts and stops, and the webapp 
displays something, but I don't have a project ot test it on at the moment.
Comment 32 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-11-15 14:31:58 UTC
Created attachment 72972 [details]

* Added JSP 1.2 patch
* Removed jdk1.4=true in
Comment 33 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-11-15 14:32:28 UTC
Created attachment 72973 [details, diff]
Comment 34 Christopher G. Stach II 2005-11-15 14:47:18 UTC
Created attachment 72974 [details, diff]

Whoops.  Wrong one.
Comment 35 Martin Scherer 2005-12-12 09:14:24 UTC
(In reply to comment #32)
> Created an attachment (id=72972) [edit]
> dev-util/cruisecontrol/cruisecontrol-2.3.1.ebuild
> * Added JSP 1.2 patch
> * Removed jdk1.4=true in

The depency "dev-java/checkstyle" doesnt exist no more (its now in category
dev-util). Its only requested if setting USE="checkstyle"

The initscript contains useless checks against a cygwin enviroment (we are on
gentoo here...)
Comment 36 Martin Scherer 2005-12-24 05:21:59 UTC
USE="checkstyle" fails for me...

first of all ant doesnt find the checkstyle.jar (there is an symlink in the cc lib dir to the installed checkstyle.jar) but ant keeps looking for this file (static reference from build.xml)
 <property name="checkstyle.jar" value="${lib}/checkstyle-all-3.1.jar"/>
should be: <property name="checkstyle.jar" value="${lib}/checkstyle.jar"/>
and this leads to the following output:
  [taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource It could not be found.

/var/tmp/portage/cruisecontrol-2.3.1/work/cruisecontrol-2.3.1/main/build.xml:187: Could not create task or type of type: checkstyle.

if ant is pointed to the correct checkstyle.jar (version 3.5) this leads to lots of ClassCastExceptions...

/var/tmp/portage/cruisecontrol-2.3.1/work/cruisecontrol-2.3.1/main/build.xml:187: Got 271 errors and 0 warnings.
Comment 37 Martin Scherer 2006-01-06 19:22:48 UTC
this is related to the 2.3.1 ebuild from the experimental java repository:

if the metrics tab is included in the reporting app, i get the following error:

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /main.jsp(74,16) Unable to read TLD "META-INF/taglib.tld" from JAR file "file:/opt/tomcat5/webapps/cruisecontrol/WEB-INF/lib

i figured out that it has something to do with the cewolf jar, but i were not able to fix it... 
Comment 38 Douglas Russell (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-02-01 06:55:39 UTC
CruiseControl 1.4 is out, this might fix some of the hard dependencies which cause problems with Java 5.
Comment 39 Christopher G. Stach II 2006-02-28 08:06:51 UTC
2.4.1 just came out. The previous release is not worth bothering with.
Comment 40 Kristian 2006-12-09 12:04:13 UTC
Created attachment 103707 [details]

i made an ebuild for 2.5. its far from perfect and i couldn't really get all theses strange dependencies to source packages resolved
for example:
jfreechart seems not to be api compatible between 0.9.8 and 0.9.20

there are probably a lot of unnecessary dependency packages

i just wanted to get it done.

depends on a lot of packages from the gentoo java-overlay

needs these from (dev-java/xmlrpc) (dev-java/emma)

i didnt have the chance to actual try it yet, so it might be broken.
Comment 41 Kristian 2006-12-09 12:05:24 UTC
Created attachment 103708 [details]

config file
Comment 42 Kristian 2006-12-09 12:06:27 UTC
Created attachment 103709 [details, diff]

adapted patch
Comment 43 Kristian 2006-12-09 12:08:11 UTC
Created attachment 103710 [details, diff]

adapted patch
Comment 44 Kristian 2006-12-09 12:08:37 UTC
Created attachment 103711 [details, diff]

adapted patch
Comment 45 Jeremy Olexa (darkside) (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2009-01-08 16:12:04 UTC
(this is an automated message based on filtering criteria that matched this bug)

Hello, The Gentoo Team would like to firstly thank you for your ebuild
submission. We also apologize for not being able to accommodate you in a timely
manner. There are simply too many new packages.

Allow me to use this opportunity to introduce you to Gentoo Sunrise. The sunrise overlay[1] is a overlay for Gentoo which we allow trusted users to commit to and all users can have ebuilds reviewed by Gentoo devs for entry into the overlay.
So, the sunrise team is suggesting that you look into this and submit your
ebuild to the overlay where even *you* can commit to. =)

Because this is a mass message, we are also asking you to be patient with us. We anticipate a large number of requests in a short time. 

On behalf of the Gentoo Sunrise Team,

Comment 46 Patrice Clement (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2015-08-08 11:05:58 UTC
Honestly I don't think this ebuild will ever hit the tree. Last update dates back to 2010. I'm not sure this project is actively maintained.

For those of you interested in CI, consider another alternative such as Jenkins. We have the -bin version of it already packaged for Gentoo. [1]

Closing this bug.
