This is an externally maintained patch to a very security-sensitive package. We should not enable it by default. See this gentoo-dev thread:
i prefer the current defaults
Did you read the thread? What do other base-system members think?
I'm with spanky in keeping HPN enabled.
Perhaps anyone would like to be more verbose on why they feel that an non-upstreamed patch should be kept as default in gentoo? Maybe complaints will evaporate if there were actually ANY comments about why to keep this.
(In reply to Rick Farina (Zero_Chaos) from comment #4) > Perhaps anyone would like to be more verbose on why they feel that an > non-upstreamed patch should be kept as default in gentoo? Maybe complaints > will evaporate if there were actually ANY comments about why to keep this. because it dramatically increases the performance?
This was changed in bug 634594.