Target keywords: alpha, arm, ppc64 This is needed for the stabilization of the reverse dependency media-video/vlc, see bug #499806; if however you don't want to stabilize at this time, let us know and we will (or you can if you want to) put the relevant USE flag on the media-video/vlc in the package.use.stable.mask of those architectures. @Maintainer: Can you please CC the relevant arches if you agree, or let me know why you don't agree; if your package has more architectures you want to stabilize for, feel free to restate the target keywords and CC those as well. Thank you very much in advance.
I dont think this makes much sense at the moment, since opencv is not even keyworded on these arches. This is a rather, err, fickle package, and for all we know it might not build or be completely nonfunctional. If this is possible, let's start with a keyword request first (which I'm not too happy about, but I guess it makes sense). If any version then 2.4.8
These packages were added to package.use.stable.mask such that security bug #486902, security bug #499806 and security bug #504088 can proceed to stabilize.
Side note, since OpenCV 2.4.9 we additionally pull in sci-libs/vtk which comes with a large number of sci dependencies...
2.4.9 is already stable