Created attachment 369432 [details, diff] fix race-condition in init-script There is a race-condition in the init-script of postgrey which may result in the subshell deleting the private/postgrey socket that has just been created by postgrey. Postfix would then not be able to access the socket.
+*postgrey-1.35-r1 (13 Aug 2014) +*postgrey-1.34-r3 (13 Aug 2014) + + 13 Aug 2014; Julian Ospald <> +postgrey-1.34-r3.ebuild, + +postgrey-1.35-r1.ebuild, +files/postgrey-1.34-perl-5.18.patch, + +files/ + bump 1.34 to eapi=5, fix init script wrt #500174, backport upstream patch for + 1.34 to work with perl-5.18, fix broken style
either update to postgrey-1.35-r1 or postgrey-1.34-r3