Created attachment 367546 [details, diff] world-of-goo-1.41-r1.ebuild.patch world-of-goo-1.41-r1 creates a /usr/games/bin wrapper which is broken in two ways: - The wrapper attempts to execute "WorldOfGoo", but the actual executable name is "WorldOfGoo.bin32" or "WorldOfGoo.bin64" depending on the bitness of the system. - The wrapper doesn't cd to the game's install directory (/opt/games/world-of-goo), causing the game to abort because it can't find its resources. Patch attached.
$ ls -l /opt/world-of-goo/WorldOfGoo -rwxr-x--- 1 root games 1305 Jan 9 2013 /opt/world-of-goo/WorldOfGoo Looks like it installs one to me.
yeah, you broke this yourself. ;-)
Huh, I totally didn't see that script in my non-portage install. Sorry about that.