$summary Most likely an upstream issue. I filed this bug merely to keep track of any progress and to reference the dev-libs/libaio dependency I gonna add to our samba-4 ebuilds.
According to log on IRC chat https://irclog.samba.org/2014/01/20140103-Fri.log or https://irclog.samba.org/lifefeed.log This AIO disable not only dependent on --without-aio-support But also kernel AIO Support. samba source3/wscript ''', 'HAVE_LINUX_KERNEL_AIO', msg='Checking for linux kernel asynchronous io support', headers='unistd.h stdlib.h sys/types.h fcntl.h sys/eventfd.h libaio.h', lib='aio') Samba developer question was why compile it on kernel but not support it. Please advise.
upstream bug report https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10370
+*samba-4.1.9 (11 Jul 2014) +*samba-4.0.19 (11 Jul 2014) +*samba-3.6.24 (11 Jul 2014) + + 11 Jul 2014; Lars Wendler <polynomial-c@gentoo.org> -samba-3.6.22.ebuild, + +samba-3.6.24.ebuild, -samba-4.0.17.ebuild, +samba-4.0.19.ebuild, + -samba-4.1.7.ebuild, +samba-4.1.9.ebuild, + +files/samba-4.0.19-automagic_aio_fix.patch: + Version bump. Removed old. Fixed automagic dependency on libaio (bug + #489764). +