Please rekeyword ~alpha, ~amd64-fbsd, ~arm; dropped due to net-misc/freerdp. Thank you very much in advance.
Added a version to be rekeyworded for the above report. Additionally: Please also rekeyword ~ppc64 on 2.1.0, dropped due to media-libs/chromaprint. Thanks again.
amd64-fbsd done
~arm restored.
@amd64-bsd: 2.1.4 is unkeyworded again due to ['>=net-libs/libvncserver-0.9.9:0']
These packages were added to package.use.stable.mask such that security bug #486902, security bug #499806 and security bug #504088 can proceed to stabilize.
media-video/vlc-2.1.2 and net-misc/freerdp-1.1.0_beta1_p20130710 are stable on alpha. I presume we can be un-cc'd.
Following packages still need to be keyworded to rekeyword VLC: @alpha: media-libs/chromaprint @amd64-fbsd: net-misc/freerdp @ppc64: media-libs/chromaprint
Stable on alpha.
Marked ~ppc64.
Closing out this bug as I don't believe that it impacts current VLC. Current versions of chromprint & freerdp are on all archs that VLC supports.