kmymoney creates duplicate transactions every time an update is being requested from the bank. Previous versions of kmymoney did not do this. If I click the update button, it usually creates duplicates on non-reconciled transactions but sometimes on the last few reconciled ones. If I accept all the duplicates and save the changes and then click update again, it creates duplicates for all the same transactions again.
Please report upstream and link back here.
+ + 15 Oct 2013; Johannes Huber <> +kmymoney-4.6.4.ebuild: + Version bump. + Version 4.6.4 is now in tree. Please sync and test. If this doesn't fix your problem do what Chris said 2 month ago: (In reply to Chris Reffett from comment #1) > Please report upstream and link back here.
4.6.4 is actually worse. Update is completely broken again and I filed a case for that: When I can actually test with update again, I'll file a bug for that.
It appears there was a short term communication problem with my bank. I have now tested on 4.6.4 and the duplicate transaction bug remains. I have filed a bug upstream as well:
According to the upstream report, it's not a bug in kmymoney but rather the bank sending invalid data.