I emerge --sync -ed this morning and the file: /usr/portage/dev-libs/libusb/libusb-0.1.12-r7.ebuild was removed from my system. This package is needed for older USB hardware. libusb-compat does not work with these old code packages. The package I use is not in gentoo. Is there a reason the package was retired, or was this just an oversight? I can and have added it to my overlay, but I was hoping the devs would be able to leave it where it is.
http://www.libusb.org/wiki/APIs#libusb-0.1legacyAPI "However, if you have installed libusb-1.0 then we strongly recommend to use libusb-compat-0.1 instead of the ancient libusb-0.1 code, so that programs which use both the 0.1 API and the 1.0 API in different parts of the program, or in different libraries used by the program, will both end up using libusb-1.0 for actual device access. This is important to avoid potential conflicts between libusb-1.0 and libusb-0.1 being used by the same process."
Yes, it's been removed.