bctsp has direct dependencies on specific versions of bcmail and bcprov, which were updated to 1.49, but bctsp is stil 1.45, and its causing problems. dev-java/bcmail:0 (dev-java/bcmail-1.49::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by (no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot) (dev-java/bcmail-1.45::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by ~dev-java/bcmail-1.45 required by (dev-java/bctsp-1.45::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) dev-java/bcprov:0 (dev-java/bcprov-1.49-r2::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by ~dev-java/bcprov-1.49-r2:0[test?] required by (dev-java/bcpkix-1.49-r1::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) >=dev-java/bcprov-1.49-r2:0[test?] required by (dev-java/bcmail-1.49::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) (dev-java/bcprov-1.45::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by ~dev-java/bcprov-1.45 required by (dev-java/bcmail-1.45::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) (and 1 more with the same problem) Another option is to mask/remove itext 5.2.0 from the tree, as it is the only package that brings in bctsp. That is not the current version of itext and after 4.1.6 its license changed, and there is a free one and commercial one. I am still using really old versions of itext, but likely will switch to another PDF library due to the license changed. Not sure if the old versions should be left in tree or what. Might consider moving itext to java-overlay and let users maintain and/or sunrise.
bctsp was discontinued and is now part of bcpkix as indicated on their download page. I tried to compile itext with bcpkix instead, but it throws two errors: com/itextpdf/text/pdf/PdfPKCS7.java:558: error: cannot access ASN1ObjectIdentifier String algOID = info.getMessageImprintAlgOID(); ^ class file for org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier not found com/itextpdf/text/pdf/PdfPKCS7.java:728: error: incompatible types String algOID = info.getMessageImprintAlgOID(); ^ required: String found: ASN1ObjectIdentifier Not sure how to proceed here; given the incompatibility we either need to patch the above (one function call broke, shouldn't be hard t patch) or introduce slotting for when this happens again. I wonder which of both is more reasonable to go for...
The itext versions are out of date, not sure about keeping 5.x around, and probably should update to lastest before that. Not sure its a mess, not sure it will be updated again or not.
Yeah, we should version bump. com/itextpdf/text/pdf/PdfPublicKeySecurityHandler.java:248: error: reference to EnvelopedData is ambiguous, both constructor EnvelopedData(OriginatorInfo,ASN1Set,EncryptedContentInfo,ASN1Set) in EnvelopedData and constructor EnvelopedData(OriginatorInfo,ASN1Set,EncryptedContentInfo,Attributes) in EnvelopedData match EnvelopedData env = new EnvelopedData(null, derset, encryptedcontentinfo, null); ^ Bails out with a single error, I think converting the null to the type listed in one of both constructors would resolve this; this is with bcpkix. Will look into this soon.
With dependencies dev-java/bcmail:0, dev-java/bcprov:1.48 and dev-java/bcpkix:0 I now get the following error with USE="doc": javadoc -d target/api -encoding UTF-8 -docencoding UTF-8 -charset UTF-8 -classpath /usr/share/bcmail/lib/bcmail.jar:/usr/share/bcprov-1.48/lib/bcprov.jar:/usr/share/bcpkix/lib/bcpkix.jar -quiet @sources.lst com/itextpdf/text/pdf/languages/IndicCompositeCharacterComparator.java:61: error: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8 * <li><b>�?�?�?</b></li>
Created attachment 356074 [details] itext-5.4.1.ebuild
*** Bug 461246 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I took your ebuild and bumped it to the latest 5.4.3: https://github.com/ercpe/lh-overlay/blob/master/dev-java/itext/itext-5.4.3.ebuild. Needs xml-security-1.5.5 (bug #435256) as new dependency. I'm unsure about the bcmail/bcprov/bcpkix dependencies as there are strange cross-slot deps so maybe this needs to be changed before comitting it.
+*itext-5.5.4 (11 Jan 2015) + + 11 Jan 2015; Johann Schmitz <ercpe@gentoo.org> +itext-5.5.4.ebuild, + -files/2.0.8-site_xml.patch, -itext-5.2.0.ebuild: + Version bump of dev-java/itext (bug #475552). Dropped old, broken :5 version. + Removed unused patch file. Just committed a version bump. Removal of the :5 mask depends on bug #536324. All other packages depend on the :0 slot.
Created attachment 393734 [details, diff] itext-5.5.4.ebuild.diff patch to include missing fonts in itext.jar
(In reply to Andreas Sturmlechner from comment #9) > Created attachment 393734 [details, diff] [details, diff] > itext-5.5.4.ebuild.diff > > patch to include missing fonts in itext.jar Good catch! + 12 Jan 2015; Johann Schmitz <ercpe@gentoo.org> itext-5.5.4.ebuild: + Added patch by Andreas Sturmlechner (bug 475552, c9). Also added files from + com/itextpdf/text/l10n/error/
Let's close this bug? ;)
(In reply to Andreas Sturmlechner from comment #11) > Let's close this bug? ;) Indeed, everything seems to be in order now so I've removed the package.mask entry and I've tested that itext:5 builds. It does say that bcmail is possibly unneeded but I trust that ercpe kept it for a reason.