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Bug 474352 - media-video/winki-0.4.5: uses ffmpeg command directly and does not work with libav
Summary: media-video/winki-0.4.5: uses ffmpeg command directly and does not work with ...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Luca Barbato
Whiteboard: Pending removal: 2016-02-05
Keywords: PMASKED
Depends on:
Blocks: 474408
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Reported: 2013-06-22 20:56 UTC by Nikoli
Modified: 2016-02-20 17:43 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Nikoli 2013-06-22 20:56:26 UTC
Since libav removed /usr/bin/ffmpeg and old syntax bug #362141 lives again:
$ grep -Ri avconv
$ grep -Ri ffmpeg
winkirip/ winkirip.constructor_ffmpeg4 import ConstructorFFmpeg4
winkirip/ WorkerFFmpeg4(WorkerVideo):
winkirip/        return ConstructorFFmpeg4(tool_checker)
winkirip/        self.__ffmpeg_regex = re.compile('.*?time=(\d+\.\d+)')
winkirip/        return self.__parse_ffmpeg_output
winkirip/    def __parse_ffmpeg_output(self, line):
winkirip/            match = self.__ffmpeg_regex.match(line[line_start : ])
winkirip/        external_tools = ['mplayer', 'mencoder', 'lsdvd', 'oggenc', 'ffmpeg',
winkirip/                   ('AC3', AUDIO_AC3, 'ffmpeg')]
winkirip/        if self.__tool_checker.has_tool('mencoder') and self.__tool_checker.has_tool('ffmpeg'):
winkirip/        self.__init_program_entry('ffmpeg', yes_pixbuf, no_pixbuf)
winkirip/        entry = self.__xml.get_widget('entry_ffmpeg')
winkirip/        self.__tool_checker.set_tool_location('ffmpeg', location)
winkirip/            desired = [(_('3GP'), FILE_MOBILE, 'ffmpeg')]
winkirip/            desired.append(tuple(('AC3', AUDIO_AC3, 'ffmpeg')))
winkirip/            desired.append(tuple(('AC3', AUDIO_AC3, 'ffmpeg')))
winkirip/            rc_config.set_option('program locations', 'ffmpeg', '')
winkirip/        has_ffmpeg = tchecker.has_tool('ffmpeg')
winkirip/        if not has_ffmpeg and not has_mp2enc:
winkirip/            #self.alert_missing_tool('ffmpeg or mp2enc')
winkirip/        if not has_oggenc or not has_ffmpeg or not has_lame or not has_mp2enc:
winkirip/            #self.alert_missing_tool('oggenc or ffmpeg or lame or mp2enc')
winkirip/glade/              <widget class="GtkImage" id="image_ffmpeg">
winkirip/glade/              <widget class="GtkLabel" id="label_ffmpeg">
winkirip/glade/                <property name="label">ffmpeg</property>
winkirip/glade/                <property name="mnemonic_widget">entry_ffmpeg</property>
winkirip/glade/              <widget class="GtkEntry" id="entry_ffmpeg">
winkirip/ winkirip.worker_video import WorkerFFmpeg4, WorkerXvid, WorkerH264
winkirip/                worker = WorkerFFmpeg4(context, source_cid, self.__shrink_method)
winkirip/ ConstructorFFmpeg4(Constructor):
winkirip/                debug('ConstructorFFmpeg4.construct()', 'cannot find mencoder', error)
winkirip/                debug('ConstructorFFmpeg4.construct()', 'cannot find source video', error)
winkirip/                debug('ConstructorFFmpeg4.construct()', 'audio method not set', error)
winkirip/                debug('ConstructorFFmpeg4.construct()', 'no output name', error)
winkirip/        if self.get_tools().has_tool('ffmpeg'):
winkirip/            program = self.get_tools().get_tool_location('ffmpeg')
winkirip/        # ffmpeg -i movie.avi -i audiodump.wav -b 48 -ac 1 -ab 12 -map 0.0 -map 1.0 undo.3gp
winkirip/        if not tool_checker.has_tool('ffmpeg'):
winkirip/        program = tool_checker.get_tool_location('ffmpeg')
winkirip/INSTALL:- ffmpeg
Comment 1 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2015-10-26 14:42:36 UTC
The project looks completly dead for ages, I am also unable to enter their homepage... why not simply treeclean this package? There are other GUIs for transcoding with ffmpeg/libav that are more updated and with upstreams still taking care of their bugs :/
Comment 2 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2016-02-20 17:43:15 UTC