Emerging app-text/texlive-core-2012-r1 yields: * QA Notice: Symbolic link /usr/bin/repstopdf points to /usr/bin/epstopdf which does not exist. But the symlink is functional (epstopdf does exist). Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 351206 [details] emerge --info
Please attach the entire build log to this bug report.
I re-ran the build to get the log, but this time the error didn't pop up. When I reported this bug I had just finished installing texlive from scratch. To do that I simply called 'emerge texlive' which first pulled in texlive-core and later texlive-fontutils. /usr/bin/epstopdf (the target of the "dead" symlink /usr/bin/repstopdf that texlive-core installs) is a part of texlive-fontutils. So the error message does make sense. But texlive-core should DEPEND on texlive-fontutils if the repstopdf functionality is really necessary. When I now unmerge texlive-core and texlive-fontutils and then re-emerge them in this order, the error message is there again (build log of this instance attached).
Created attachment 351370 [details] build.log (texlive-core)
thanks. this will be fixed with TeX Live 2013 that I will commit soon. Closing the bug now so that I can see better what's left to be done :=)