Hallo, updating openoffice-bin-1.0.0-r1.ebuild and his digest to support other languages for which binaries are distributed. Currently there is german support within. It test with "locale" the LC_ALL environment variable to check for "de" for instance. But also extendable for other languages. Some "may be" problems. - dependencies for "locale" ?? - is it better to take LC_ALL or another like LANG ? - completly other way to determine the language ? Carsten PS: this is an ebuild+digest: http://www.darav.de/gentoo/openoffice-bin-with-german.tar.gz
Prez, we need an fulltime OpenOffice dev for all the bugs related to it :/
Updated the tar.gz: - locale is looking for "de_" now and not for "de" only. - german myspell dictionary is also installed
Update: with a little mor brain aktivity in my head, i suggest to drop the locale-stuff and do *not* take it to app-office/openoffice(-bin). I should be better to put in app-i18n/openoffice(-bin)-de, so the locale stuff can be droped. Here's an updatet ebuild: http://www.darav.de/gentoo/openoffice-de.tar.gz Note: the source version is not tested. bin is doing the job. So kick the source-version if necessary.
I've created an ebuild for OpenOffice 1.0.1 German. Feel free to test it... :-)
Created attachment 3530 [details] Ebuild for OpenOffice 1.0.1 German
Created attachment 3532 [details] Registry for OpenOffice 1.0.1
We're working on this right now. Rather than divide all these up, we are trying to find a way to do this all through some sort of env variable...
db fix
Is this really fixed? I can't see any way to install language-versions of oo with the current openoffice-bin-ebuild.