At URL I committed a net-firewall/ufw ebuild featuring the installation of a working systemd unit. The unit file in FILESDIR/ufw.service is very simple but works, I wonder if we want to read /etc/conf.d/ufw and perhaps simplify a bit /etc/init.d/ufw though. Reproducible: Always
Last warning before I take over the bug and go ahead.
If you are going to actually maintain the systemd unit, go ahead and add it. And the OpenRC init script is fine.
+ 20 May 2013; Fabio Erculiani <> ufw-0.31.1-r2.ebuild, + ufw-0.33-r2.ebuild, ufw-0.34_pre805.ebuild, +files/ufw.service: + add systemd unit on behalf of the systemd team, fix bug #466562