At URL I committed a dev-libs/cyrus-sasl ebuild featuring two working systemd units, one for pwcheck and the other one for saslauthd. I had to modify the default /etc/conf.d/saslauthd to avoid users using shell variables in SASLAUTHD_OPTS by default (and force them to read the systemd disclaimer). Together with all this, I moved the pwcheck and saslauthd home dirs to /run/saslauthd (as Fedora does) and privided a tmpfiles.d config file. See the attached patches. Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 345902 [details] saslauthd unit
Created attachment 345904 [details] pwcheck unit
Created attachment 345906 [details] cyrus-sasl tmpfiles.d config file
Created attachment 345908 [details, diff] cyrus-sasl ebuild diff
Changes can be get from systemd-love overlay. I will commit in a week if nobody disagrees. Thanks
+*cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-r2 (13 Jul 2013) + + 13 Jul 2013; Pacho Ramos <> +cyrus-sasl-2.1.26-r2.ebuild, + +files/cyrus-sasl.conf, +files/pwcheck.service, +files/saslauthd-2.1.26.conf, + +files/saslauthd.service, +files/saslauthd2.rc7: + Install unit file (#466376) +