At URL I committed a net-misc/rsync ebuild containing a working systemd unit, see FILESDIR/rsyncd.service. This unit comes from the systemd overlay. Reproducible: Always
Last warning before I take over the bug and go ahead.
Fine by me
I will commit in a week if nobody disagrees. Thanks
(In reply to Pacho Ramos from comment #3) > I will commit in a week if nobody disagrees. Thanks Once again, base-system gives a blanket nod to systemd files. We just won't maintain them or support them, we expect the systemd herd will assist here. We have enough things to worry about. In the future as herd priorities change and membership potentially changes, we might invest our time in systemd support.
+*rsync-3.0.9-r3 (06 Jul 2013) + + 06 Jul 2013; Pacho Ramos <> +files/rsyncd.service, + +rsync-3.0.9-r3.ebuild: + Install unit file (#466088, thanks to Doug and base-system herd for allowing + it). +
*** Bug 482718 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***