Looking at the udevil build system, --enable-systemd is only used to determine if systemd unit files should be installed onto the target directory. For this reason, I believe that USE=systemd should be removed and unit files installed unconditionally. Reproducible: Always
Gentle ping ;-)
I will pick this issue up when I do a version bump.
I will commit in a week if nobody disagrees. Thanks
(In reply to Pacho Ramos from comment #3) > I will commit in a week if nobody disagrees. Thanks I said I will pick this issue up when I do a version bump, so that is disagreeing, because it does not make sense for people to rebuild the package for this trivial fix.
Just don't revbump it then. It's almost 2 months...
Actually, almost 3... :/
How does that qualify for a revbump? Revbump is reserved for cases where installed files change.
If I don't revbump it, then it will show up in --newuse.
I think that people won't mind to rebuild udevil since the last bump was 3 months ago anyway...
(In reply to Fabio Erculiani from comment #9) > I think that people won't mind to rebuild udevil since the last bump was 3 > months ago anyway... I cannot follow that logic.
Please allow us to commit the fix, since it's blocking our bug tracker for almost 3 months now.
(In reply to Fabio Erculiani from comment #11) > Please allow us to commit the fix, since it's blocking our bug tracker for > almost 3 months now. That's not what "common sense" means to me. I don't care about the bug tracker, but about the question in what way it improves the ebuild for the USER. I am aware that it is policy now to not use "systemd" useflags and I WILL follow that policy. Since development on udevil is active I expect a lot more releases and can fix this trivial gentoo-specific policy issue then.
QA: what should we do?
The take about fixing on bump sounds sensible, assuming udevil will get a release anytime soon. The "violation" and the package are small enough to make quite pointless argue on the timing of the bump IMHO. Since probably Fabio has a specific need for it within a certain timeframe I'd suggest to agree on a date and bump on that if nothing happens.
+ 12 Aug 2013; Julian Ospald <hasufell@gentoo.org> udevil-0.4.1.ebuild: + remove systemd useflag wrt #465596