x11-themes/clearlooks-phenix has not been updated to gtk 3.6 yet: Version 2 is gtk 3.4 only. Please provide version 3 for gtk 3.6. It has been available upstream for months and looks stable, well-maintained and bug-free to me. clearlooks-phenix is important, it is the only gtk3 theme in Gentoo which satisfies basic usability requirements.
use the live ebuild, there is no static tarball
1.) Wrong. http://gnome-look.org has a static zip file. And if not, you should package it. Gentoo will provide space for it 8-) 2.) Using live ebuilds works for me at home, but not at our university: git (and svn, and hg, ...) is blocked at the firewall (twice: Once between my linux lab and the rest of the university, and once between the universitie's network and the internet). There is no way to use git:// files in controlled environments. 3.) I would use the live ebuild if it were keyworded, but it isn't. Packages which are stable and for general use should not require manual keywording or unmasking. In case of gtk themes, the keywording should be synced to gtk's keywording (i.e. if gtk 3.x goes ~, the theme versions for it should go ~, and if gtk 3.x goes stable, the theme versions for it should go stable) to get the correct version with emerge upgrade world (emerge upgrade world is the only thing done in our labs). 4.) Using the 9999 ebuild will result in a mess when x11-themes/clearlooks-phenix starts to adapt to gtk 3.7/3.8 and I / our labs stay with 3.6 until 3.8 is stable and all apps are ready for 3.8.
wrong gnome-look.org redirects to http://jpfleury.indefero.net/p/clearlooks-phenix/source/download/master/ which is not a static archive.
Clearlooks-phenix now provides static, version-numbered download files: http://www.jpfleury.net/debian-watch/?projet=clearlooks-phenix Please provide version-numbered ebuilds. Thanks!
make an ebuild proposal I lost track of the fun stuff that upstream does with their version scheme.
(In reply to Julian Ospald (hasufell) from comment #5) > make an ebuild proposal I never did ebuilds. > I lost track of the fun stuff that upstream does with their version scheme. http://www.jpfleury.net/debian-watch/clearlooks-phenix_3.0.16.tar.gz looks latest and useful to me?
+*clearlooks-phenix-3.0.16 (28 Oct 2013) +*clearlooks-phenix-2.0.18 (28 Oct 2013) + + 28 Oct 2013; Julian Ospald <hasufell@gentoo.org> + +clearlooks-phenix-2.0.18.ebuild, +clearlooks-phenix-3.0.16.ebuild, + clearlooks-phenix-9999.ebuild: + version bump wrt #461280, also allow parallel installation