If you have two or more volume groups, the script (/etc/init.d/lvm) fails during shutdown with the messages: Command failed with status code 2. No such command. Try 'help'. The problem in the line: VGS=$($lvm_path vgs --config "${config}" -o vg_name --noheadings --nosuffix 2> /dev/null) The logical volumes in VGS are separated by newlines and this will cause problems in the next commands which use VGS variable. The solution will be to replace the newlines with spaces. VGS=$($lvm_path vgs --config "${config}" -o vg_name --noheadings --nosuffix | tr '\n' ' ' 2> /dev/null)
This is a dublicate of bug 437714
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 437714 ***