Recently the screensaver helios from x11-misc/rss-glx-0.9.1 does not blank the screen anymore but displays transparently the graphics. Blanking and locking is one of the main task I need the screensaver for. Other screensavers from the package don't have the issue. I'm running x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.20.13 and also tried currently ~amd64 ~2.20.14, same issue. I guess it happened after the last upgrade: Wed Nov 21 23:03:10 2012 <<< x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.19.0 Wed Nov 21 23:03:12 2012 >>> x11-drivers/xf86-video-intel-2.20.13 But downgrade to 2.19.0 to reproduce that was failing. I tried to find a solution in the forums: Reproducible: Always
This applies to all screensavers from x11-misc/rss-glx-0.9.1. It can be solved by the setting Advanced->Grap Desktop Images.
Sry, no it still does not work. Switching the option on and off, the preview sometimes does blank, but trying preview once again it doesn't blank anymore.
Now it has been fixed by manually selecting "GL visual" in Advanced Settings. => Setting RESOLVED/WORKSFORME