Created attachment 330532 [details, diff] kmix-4.9.3-fix-systray-flicker.patch There are several bug reports in and one in f.g.o from a user too lazy to report it himself: I'm not sure if it is related as I can't quite make sense of the description there, but there was something strange going on at konversation notifications on my system - a window that was placed at the bottom border of the screen briefly went above the center panel that is holding systray. I'll have to check if that is gone now...
Created attachment 330534 [details, diff] kmix-4.9.3-r1.ebuild.diff updated kmix ebuild
this is not reproducible here
My own observation with konv also isn't fixed after applying the patch, so it's something different.
Reproducible here but the patch didn't fix it.
Yep, same for me - it flickers. But that flickering is not the worst part: the sound in SWAT4 has become somewhat clicky - when one game sound fx changes with another a short click is produced. I believe those two behaviors are connected with each other somehow. The upstream patches (applied through userpatch portage feature) do not solve anything for me. I'm using pulseaudio (wine shouts through pulseaudio too), alsa and vlc as phonon backend, btw.
Oh, the patch actually fixed everything for me. Looks like the upstream patches just weren't applied (i think the userpatch feature doesn't accept patches with *.diff extension or something as the patches weren't listed during the userpatch phase). Thanks for the patch, sorry for my previous misleading comment. Regards.
Please verify whether this was fixed for you in 4.10.0.
fixed in 4.10.0