The following packages in the enlightenment overlay have been moved to the subdirectory "IN-EFL": dev-libs/eina dev-libs/eet dev-libs/embryo media-libs/evas dev-libs/eobj Adding ESVN_SUB_PROJECT="IN-EFL" fixes the download path in those ebuilds. The exception is dev-libs/eobj which has been renamed to "eo" in addition to the move. If the package is renamed to dev-libs/eo, the depends in media-libs/evas and media-libs/edje need to be adjusted. To verify, here the corresponding link to the enlightenment svn repository.
Upstream broke some live ebuilds and will break more of them during the move to a merged efl tree. Since the changes have not settled yet, dont expect updated ebuilds anytime soon. For your suggestion: Using the IN-EFL subdirectory is a bad idea, since that target does not get any updates, only the sources in efl/src/* are maintained. In the meantime, just go with the released versions of the libraries and e17.
packages have been moved to git and eclass+basic ebuilds used by e17 have been adjusted, so closing this as fixed. If there are further packages needing a migration, please open a seperate bug for them.