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Bug 44341 - sound is broken with ALSA in games-strategy/ufo-ai-0.10.040218
Summary: sound is broken with ALSA in games-strategy/ufo-ai-0.10.040218
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Games (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High minor
Assignee: Gentoo Games
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-03-11 04:31 UTC by David Holm (RETIRED)
Modified: 2007-08-17 23:38 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description David Holm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-11 04:31:12 UTC
Sound is broken in ufo-ai on ppc. The game is otherwise fully working.
Comment 1 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-11 05:42:12 UTC
I'm just curious... are you using ALSA or OSS?

I had some problems on my machine with the sound, also using ALSA.
Comment 2 David Holm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-11 05:47:13 UTC
I'm using ALSA, I can test it with OSS later.
Comment 3 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-12 11:18:12 UTC
I'm going to reassign this since it seems to be an ALSA problem, not specific to PPC.
Comment 4 Mr. Bones. (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-05 18:40:03 UTC
I get sound when I start up ufo-ai but I'm using oss.  However, the mouse doesn't work well, seems to jump around and be very difficult to position on the opening screen.  It seems like the program is in some tight loop - the music stutters, etc.  Here's the output I get:

execing default.cfg
couldn't exec config.cfg
execing keys.cfg
"K_CTRL" isn't a valid key
Console initialized.
------- sound initialization -------
sound sampling rate: 44100
------- Loading -------
LoadLibrary(""): can't open /etc/quake2.conf
ref_gl version: GL 0.10
Initializing OpenGL display
...setting fullscreen mode 6: 1024 768
Using XFree86-VidModeExtension Version 2.2
GL_VERSION: 1.4.0 NVIDIA 44.96
...allowing CDS
...enabling GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array
...using GL_EXT_point_parameters
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_EXT_texture_env_combine
...GL_SGIS_multitexture deprecated in favor of ARB_multitexture
CD Audio Initialized
Shared Client/Server Info loaded
Couldn't open file 'current'.
====== UFO Initialized ======
Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DGA" missing on display ":0.0".
Failed to detect XF86DGA Mouse
recursive shutdown
Comment 5 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-09-13 08:55:42 UTC
Mr Bones:  Your issue is because of the missing DGA extension.  Remove the
section of your xorg.conf that disables DGA.  This game is based on the quake2
engine, so it has many of the same issues.

Anyway, this game does not support ALSA, at all.  Upstream doesn't appear to
have moved recently.  Their latest release made no source changes, and only
added new content.  Can you test to see if it works with OSS emulation?  You
might need to run the following:  echo "ufo 0 0 disable" >

We have a bug on getting these OSS settings saved/restored in the ALSA init
scripts, but for now, it might require adding it to local.start to make it
Comment 6 kaouete 2006-04-05 13:59:19 UTC
i can see a snd_alsa.c in

i guess it means that there is or there will be alsa support in ufo:ai :]

maybe it is already in techbeta2 (0.12_beta1)
Comment 7 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-08-17 23:38:02 UTC
I know that this has been just shy of forever, but this is fixed in the new 2.1.1 version that I just added to the tree.