Disclaimer: this bug has been filed in a semi-automated manner. When emerging the package sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.88, the following elog messages are displayed: * Warning, we no longer overwrite /sbin/lvm and /sbin/dmsetup with * their static versions. If you need the static binaries, * you must append .static to the filename! * USE flag nocman is deprecated and replaced * with the cman USE flag. * * USE flags clvm and cman are masked * by default and need to be unmasked to be used * * If you are using genkernel and root-on-LVM, rebuild the initramfs. * lvm volumes are no longer automatically created for * baselayout-2 users. If you are using baselayout-2, be sure to * run: # rc-update add lvm boot * Do NOT add it if you are still using baselayout-1. Such messages should only be displayed when the package is upgraded from an old enough package (and possibly for new installs). These situations can be checked in the ebuild as follows: if has_version '<sys-fs/lvm2-1.0'; then Or, if the message should also be displayed for new installs: if !has_version 'sys-fs/lvm2' || has_version '<sys-fs/lvm2-1.0'; then Remember to replace 1.0 with the right version number. See the tracker bug 440214 for more details.
LVM2 is a pretty critical system package if your root is running on LVM, failing to heed the messages will break your system, and there is no harm to printing them.