Disclaimer: this bug has been filed in a semi-automated manner. When emerging the package media-gfx/splashutils-, the following elog messages are displayed: * Please note that the 'fbsplash' kernel patch has now been renamed to * 'fbcondecor'. Accordingly, the old 'splash' initscript is now called * 'fbcondecor'. Make sure you update your system. See: * http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/fbcondecor/#history * for further info about the name changes. * * Also note that splash_util has now been split into splash_util, fbsplashd * and fbcondecor_ctl. Such messages should only be displayed when the package is upgraded from an old enough package (and possibly for new installs). These situations can be checked in the ebuild as follows: if has_version '<media-gfx/splashutils-1.0'; then Or, if the message should also be displayed for new installs: if !has_version 'media-gfx/splashutils' || has_version '<media-gfx/splashutils-1.0'; then Remember to replace 1.0 with the right version number. See the tracker bug 440214 for more details.
Fixed in latest revision