When I try to start a virtual machine out of VirtualBox my Xserver hangs. I can still move the mouse around, but nothing else is working. Xorg.log shows a lot of 'EQ overflows' (see attached file). As soon as I remove my wacom mouse (that only works ON the wacom tablet) from the tablet, xserver continue to work.
Created attachment 326396 [details] Xorg log
Created attachment 326398 [details] emerge --info
Created attachment 380004 [details] 20140630: emerge --info Well, This may be more of an issue with Xorg that is much more widespread than just VirtualBox and Wacom. I just encountered this "EQ Overflow" bug with Xorg after a world update running nvidia-drivers-337.25. Here is the 'emerge --info', and I will follow up with the Xorg.0.log.
Created attachment 380010 [details] 20140630: Xorg.0.log The Xorg.0.log showing the start of the hanging at ~3.2 days (e.g. 278556 secs.). In this Xorg log, the trace seems to point to evdev_drv and/or nvidia_drv. HTH.
Is this still a problem on current versions?
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