'emerge world' fails with: root@orca:/root(3)# emerge -puvDN world ... [ebuild U ] media-gfx/digikam-2.9.0 [2.8.0] USE="doc gphoto2 handbook mysql semantic-desktop thumbnails video -addressbook (-aqua) -debug -themedesigner" LINGUAS="de fr ru -af -ar -az -be -bg -bn -br -bs -ca -cs -csb -cy -da -el -en_GB -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fo -fy -ga -gl -ha -he -hi -hr -hsb -hu -id -is -it -ja -ka -kk -km -ko -ku -lb -lo -lt -lv -mi -mk -mn -ms -mt -nb -nds -ne -nl -nn -nso -oc -pa -pl -pt -pt_BR -ro -rw -se -sk -sl -sq -sr -sr@Latn -ss -sv -ta -te -tg -th -tr -tt -uk -uz -uz@cyrillic -ven -vi -wa -xh -zh_CN -zh_HK -zh_TW -zu" 0 kB [blocks B ] =dev-libs/libf2c-20110801-r1 ("=dev-libs/libf2c-20110801-r1" is blocking media-gfx/digikam-2.9.0) Total: 20 packages (19 upgrades, 1 downgrade), Size of downloads: 149,068 kB Fetch Restriction: 1 package (1 unsatisfied) Conflict: 1 block (1 unsatisfied)
Masking >=media-gfx/digikam-2.9.0 helps as a workaround.
Try with `emerge -puvDN world --tree' and post the entire output, please.