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Bug 430316 - net-dns/bind: Feature request: Add a check for sane folder/file permission
Summary: net-dns/bind: Feature request: Add a check for sane folder/file permission
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal enhancement
Assignee: Mikle Kolyada (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-08-07 12:16 UTC by Niklas Johansson
Modified: 2020-12-16 19:01 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Niklas Johansson 2012-08-07 12:16:16 UTC
I have had some problems with permissions when using net-dns/bind. Especially when it comes to the pid-file. When looking online it seems I am not alone.

In /etc/init.d/named there is a couple of checks (e.g, named-checkconf, checkpath). If possible and if time is available, I would like to request a new feature, "a check for sane permissions on folders and files" when starting named.

Examples of folders are:

Best wishes
Comment 1 Niklas Johansson 2012-08-07 16:19:51 UTC
I am really bad in bash and ebuild scripts but I tried to do an implementation. It is probably horrible but at least I tried.

permission_user_match() {
    file_id=$(stat --format="%u" $2)
    user_id=$(id -u $1)
    if [ "$user_id" != "$file_id" ]; then
	eerror "$1 has the wrong user permission"

permission_group_match() {
    file_gid=$(stat --format="%g" $2)
    user_gid=$(id -g $1)
    if [ "$user_gid" != "$file_gid" ]; then
	eerror "$1 has the wrong group permission"

user_may_write() {
    access=$(stat --format="%A" $2)
    if [ "${access:2:1}" != "w" ]; then
	eerror "$1 may not write to $2"

group_may_write() {
    access=$(stat --format="%A" $2)
    if [ "${access:5:1}" != "w" ]; then
	eerror "$1 may not write to $2"

checkpermissions() {
        ebegin "Checking named permissions"

	permission_group_match named ${CHROOT}/var/bind
	permission_group_match named ${CHROOT}/etc/bind      
	permission_group_match named ${CHROOT}/var/run/named

	group_may_write named ${CHROOT}/var/bind
	group_may_write named ${CHROOT}/etc/bind      
	group_may_write named ${CHROOT}/var/run/named

        eend 0
        return 0