=dev-db/sqlite-3.7.13 fails test with clang-3.1-r4
Fyi, still fails with =sys-devel/clang-3.2 and dev-db/sqlite- on amd64. 1 errors out of 191310 tests Failures on these tests: memsubsys1-3.1.4 All memory allocations freed - no leaks Memory used: now 0 max 129136 max-size 33062880 Allocation count: now 0 max 1507757 Page-cache used: now 0 max 13 max-size 65784 Page-cache overflow: now 0 max 7639824 Scratch memory used: now 0 max 0 Scratch overflow: now 0 max 74752 max-size 66540 Maximum memory usage: 129136 bytes Current memory usage: 0 bytes Number of malloc() : -1 calls
Tests are now passing here with =dev-db/sqlite-3.8.2 and =sys-devel/llvm-3.4