Would it be appropriate to add a gzip USE flag for google-api-adwords-perl-2.6.1? "The library supports gzip compression in the transport layer by default. Based in the LWP:UserAgent module, the compression is detected by checking the contents of HTTP::Message::decodable. If gzip does not appear as the encodings supported in HTTP::Message::decodable, you need to make sure the Compress::Zlib module is installed." http://google-api-adwords-perl.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/README I don't know very much about perl but maybe Compress::Zlib is included as part of IO-Compress which is part of perl-core so this isn't necessary? http://search.cpan.org/~pmqs/IO-Compress-2.052/lib/Compress/Zlib.pm
Will look into it today.
Afaik this should be available by default. Anyway there's been a lot of new versions in the meantime.