first of all qt-script is not qt-webkit, and qt-webkit is not using qt-script, so they are both 2 independent things. the jit useflag for qt-script should be masked for amd64 because... It causes crashes for all programs using qt-script and are using more than 4GB memory. see: it is very annoying for example in kdevelop, as this program can use a lot of memory for big projects this crash happens a LOT there. From the links it does not seem like Qt will fix that anytime soon, not for Qt 4.8 and currently there are no plans for Qt 5.0 fixing that. So qt-script is just a dead code... Disabling JIT may be a performance loose, but for example in kdevelop its just used for indention, so nothing very cpu intensiv. And also NOTE again qt-script is not qt-webkit, so disabling qt-script JIT will not affect qt-webkit performance at all. qt-webkit gets updates and has new JSC which is not affected by this. Reproducible: Always
Can you change the subject of this bug to use the full category/name of the package (x11-libs/qt-script instead of just qt-script)? Following the suggestions here: Hopefully someone else can help you with the Qt ;).
Done. Thanks for reporting.