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Bug 422459 - dev-php/smarty-2.6.26 version bump request
Summary: dev-php/smarty-2.6.26 version bump request
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal enhancement (vote)
Assignee: PHP Bugs
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Reported: 2012-06-19 19:53 UTC by Michael Orlitzky
Modified: 2013-04-02 16:43 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2012-06-19 19:53:16 UTC
Smarty has split into 3.x (currently ~arch) and legacy 2.x which is currently stable. Our stable 2.6.24 is two minor versions behind, though. It would be nice to have the latest 2.x version in the tree.

From the NEWS (the E_NOTICE thing is particularly annoying):

  Version 2.6.26 (June 18th, 2009)
  - revert super global access changes, and instead rely on
    USE_SUPER_GLOBALS for security

  Version 2.6.25 (May 19th, 2009)
  - fix E_NOTICE when sessions are disabled (mohrt)

The only change needed in the ebuild is in the SRC_URI, where the path has changed from "distributions" to "files".
Comment 1 Matti Bickel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-06-22 20:42:43 UTC
The final decision is with Tom, but please don't.

I'm working on getting phpDocumentor into the tree, as it supersedes PEAR-PhpDocumentor, which is the last reverse dep of smarty2. After we made the transition, smarty3 is the way to go (and probably smarty2 removed).
Comment 2 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2012-06-22 20:46:19 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> The final decision is with Tom, but please don't.
> I'm working on getting phpDocumentor into the tree, as it supersedes
> PEAR-PhpDocumentor, which is the last reverse dep of smarty2. After we made
> the transition, smarty3 is the way to go (and probably smarty2 removed).

I wasn't thinking about deps, more that I don't want to have to test and potentially rewrite hundreds of websites to work with smarty-3.x.
Comment 3 Matti Bickel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-06-23 16:30:32 UTC
Is this an actual statement of fact? As in, you will have to go through more than a dozen pages of smarty2 templates to convert them?
Comment 4 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2012-06-23 16:51:22 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Is this an actual statement of fact? As in, you will have to go through more
> than a dozen pages of smarty2 templates to convert them?

Without doing a tally, we host at least 20 sites with custom smarty-2.x templates, and many more using CMS engines that utilize smarty. They ship with their own copy, but I've removed them in favor of the system copy.

Smarty-3.x is mostly backwards compatible; I'll probably just have to set $smarty->auto_literal = false; and look through the pages of the sites that use the templates fixing minor problems. It's still a few days' work though.

I will have to make the switch eventually, and I am capable of maintaining smarty-2 in an overlay (I have virtual ebuilds for some of the sites that require it). This wasn't so much a "keep smarty-2" request -- I would just like to have 2.6.26 instead of 2.6.24 in the meantime because those notices clog up our logs.
Comment 5 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2012-12-25 16:48:29 UTC
Make that 2.6.27 =)
Comment 6 Matti Bickel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2013-03-30 11:49:03 UTC
Well, it's in CVS now. But I'll ask for smarty-2.6.24 to be removed without -2.6.27 to be marked stable. So you better peg those version via masking smarty-3 locally.
Comment 7 Michael Orlitzky gentoo-dev 2013-04-02 16:43:12 UTC
Thanks for this, it'll make my life a little easier. I've opened tickets for myself to start migrating all of our sites, but it's going to take a while.