Created attachment 310647 [details, diff] subversion-1.7.4-2487-no-env.patch Maybe some of you came across issue 2487 ( Here is a patch for the current 1.7.4 ebuild and the "no-env" version of the patch ( that will be available in version 1.8. # diff subversion-1.7.4.ebuild subversion-1.7.4-r1.ebuild 111c111,112 < "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-fix-parallel-build-support-for-perl-bindings.patch --- > "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-fix-parallel-build-support-for-perl-bindings.patch \ > "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.7.4-2487-no-env.patch After applying the patch, you are able to set SVNUseUTF8 in your 47_mod_dav_svn.conf.
This got finally fixed upstred with release 1.8: