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Bug 407465 (CVE-2011-3046) - <www-client/chromium-17.0.963.78: multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2011-3046)
Summary: <www-client/chromium-17.0.963.78: multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2011-3046)
Alias: CVE-2011-3046
Product: Gentoo Security
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Vulnerabilities (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Security
URL: http://googlechromereleases.blogspot....
Whiteboard: A3 [glsa]
Depends on:
Reported: 2012-03-08 20:35 UTC by Paweł Hajdan, Jr. (RETIRED)
Modified: 2012-03-25 16:07 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Paweł Hajdan, Jr. (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-03-08 20:35:17 UTC
Release notes:
Comment 1 Paweł Hajdan, Jr. (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-03-08 20:38:01 UTC
Please test and mark stable =www-client/chromium-17.0.963.78

Sorry for two stabilizations in short time frame. Blame Pwn2Own etc.
Comment 2 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2012-03-08 20:45:38 UTC
I also bumped v8.

To the best of my knowledge this was not a security fix, so stabilization of dev-lang/v8- is OPTIONAL.
Comment 3 GLSAMaker/CVETool Bot gentoo-dev 2012-03-09 12:40:44 UTC
CVE-2011-3046 (
  The extension subsystem in Google Chrome before 17.0.963.78 does not
  properly handle history navigation, which allows remote attackers to execute
  arbitrary code by leveraging a "Universal XSS (UXSS)" issue.
Comment 4 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2012-03-09 13:27:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> Please test and mark stable =www-client/chromium-17.0.963.78
> Sorry for two stabilizations in short time frame. Blame Pwn2Own etc.

no problem, is not your fault.

Please keyword both for amd64, I have not cvs access atm.
Comment 5 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2012-03-09 15:25:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> Please keyword both for amd64, I have not cvs access atm.

Comment 6 Dan Dexter 2012-03-10 21:11:02 UTC
Archtested on x86: Everything OK.

- Compiled www-client/chromium-17.0.963.78 with various use flags successfully.
- Package test phase passed.
- Ran several additional frontend and backend test cases from:
- Used www-client/chromium-17.0.963.78 for everyday browsing (and writing this comment).

Note: This was with the current stable v8 (dev-lang/v8-, not with the version mentioned in comment #2.
Comment 7 Mike Gilbert gentoo-dev 2012-03-11 03:52:25 UTC
Thanks for testing, Dan.

A new vulnerability has since been discovered. See bug 407755.
Comment 8 Paweł Hajdan, Jr. (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-03-11 12:01:53 UTC
Stabilization is now handled in bug #407755 . GLSA draft updated.
Comment 9 GLSAMaker/CVETool Bot gentoo-dev 2012-03-25 16:07:56 UTC
This issue was resolved and addressed in
 GLSA 201203-19 at
by GLSA coordinator Tim Sammut (underling).