I have installed octave and control package as follows: # echo app-portage/g-octave ~x86 >> /etc/portage/package.keywords # emerge -av octave g-octave # emerge --config g-octave # g-octave -av control Trying to use it: octave:1> help ss octave:2> sys = ss([1 0; 1 1]) error: `is_real_matrix' undefined near line 115 column 13 error: called from: error: /usr/share/octave/packages/control-2.1.55/@ss/ss.m at line 108, column 5 I looked into strace and found the workaound: # pwd /usr/lib/octave # ln -s /usr/libexec/octave/packages packages Seems it is a path issue. octave version: 3.4.3-r1 g-octave version: 0.4.1-r2
Some functions still (with workaround) are not accessable. octave:1> c2d error: `c2d' undefined near line 1 column 1
*** Bug 413453 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
For me, although entering just "c2d" gives an "undefined" error, c2d does seem to work if you call is as a function, e.g.: sys1=tf([1], [10 1]); sys2=c2d(sys1,0.1); I think that "c2d" returning undefined is an octave or control toolbox issue, and not a g-octave issue.
Not reproducible with recent version of g-octave.