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Bug 398167 - New ebuild - games-arcade/steelstorm-br
Summary: New ebuild - games-arcade/steelstorm-br
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal enhancement (vote)
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Keywords: EBUILD
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Reported: 2012-01-08 17:48 UTC by Róbert Čerňanský
Modified: 2018-12-03 12:57 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---

steelstorm-br-2.00.02818.ebuild (steelstorm-br-2.00.02818.ebuild,2.95 KB, text/plain)
2012-01-08 17:48 UTC, Róbert Čerňanský

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Description Róbert Čerňanský 2012-01-08 17:48:22 UTC
Created attachment 298333 [details]

Ebuild for game "Steel Storm: Burning Retribution" - version 2.00.02818 from Humble Indie Bundle #3.  It is likely that this ebuild will work also for the version sold via (or desura actually).

The ebuild was made based on games-arcade/steelstorm-10001723.ebuild from bug #344589 (which is a free version of this game).  I did not made the separate "-data" ebuild though since I am not aware of any updates that includes the engine only.
Comment 1 Jared B. 2012-05-26 04:25:20 UTC

Your ebuild works great.  Thanks.  One thing I don't understand though - why is the sdl flag forced on by default?  I get +client since most preople probably don't want just a dedicated server, but without sdl you get the glx client by default, which seems perfectly fine.  Does the SDL version do something special that's not available in the glx version?

This may sound like nitpicking, but I'm genuinely curious about this.  If there's some reason to use SDL over GLX here, I'd like to know so I can take advantage of it.  :-)  And if not, the ebuild should probably be updated accordingly.
Comment 2 Róbert Čerňanský 2012-06-06 20:59:42 UTC
Hi Jared,

I did not have any strong reason to set sdl to enabled by default.  The original ebuild -- which I am mentioning in the first comment -- has it so I left it so.  However I think it is convenient that everyone will have installed both versions by default and can test which one perform better.
Comment 3 Jared B. 2012-06-07 01:47:17 UTC
Ah, gotcha.  I've had to give that same answer myself before.  :-)

I'm personally of the opinion that USE flags shouldn't be enabled by default unless it's required for some reasonably expected base level of functionality; otherwise, it should be decided by the selected system profile and user's USE flags.  So, I removed the + in my local copy of the ebuild.  Certainly not a big enough deal to warrant posting an update or anything, though.

And thanks - like I said before, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.