"eclean -t 1y packages" aborts if dangling symlinks are encountered Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Manually delete an old file from packages/ALL 2. Run eclean -t <time> where <time> includes the deleted file Actual Results: 1. Manually delete an old file from packages/ALL 2. Run eclean -t <time> where <time> includes the deleted file 3. eclean aborts when the symlink to the deleted file is detected. Expected Results: 1. Manually delete an old file from packages/ALL 2. Run eclean -t <time> where <time> includes the deleted file 3. eclean deletes the dangling symlink and other packages selected
Created attachment 298285 [details, diff] Modified clean.py that fixes the issue in an untidy fashion
done. fixed in commit: http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/p=proj/gentoolkit.git;a=commit;h=0f152f27af3b758b904d257931c17da490468b8e However, the final fix was not quite the way you modified it in the attached file. Thank you. the fix is available now in gentoolkit-9999.
Released in gentoolkit-