Unit file attached. (tested on sys-process/fcron-1.55-r2 and systemd-37) This unit file does not do all the things init script does, but only runs (and stops) the cron application which is enough for user installed crontabs. Some of the tasks may or may not be assigned to systemd itself in the future. inherit cron pam eutils systemd src_install(){... systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/fcron.service" Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 295071 [details] fcron systemd unit file
If they want to, the systemd team might have to take care of this, as I have no clue of (nor I honestly care about) systemd myself. I can't speak for Wolfram of course.
so far, systemd files have lived with systemd, and not with packages
Quoting mgorny on #gentoo-desktop. "systemd policy is to have unit files installed by packages themselves" Upstream service file (a bit more verbose, but makes sense to me, will test later). http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.fcron.devel/66 http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.sysutils.fcron.devel
Created attachment 295093 [details] upstream service file.
Upstream unit file tested, seems to work flawlessly.
Sorry guys, I'm not (yet) using systemd, so I doubt it would make much sense if I added something I cannot test at all... :)
Just to clarify do you mean: "I won't add it but systemd team may add the upstream unit file so on version bump" or "Noone may add it for now"?
I guess that the answer is "If systemd team wants to add this, feel free to do so on version bump" — but please also note (in metadata.xml) that any bug appearing on systemd-based systems will have to be triaged by them first, and only if it's unrelated to systemd handed down to us.
We'll handle it from this point. I'd like to ping upstream with some corrections as well.
Guys, has this ever been addressed/resolved?
(In reply to comment #11) > Guys, has this ever been addressed/resolved? No, upstream hasn't released the new version with the service file yet.
3.1.0 is released with "Added systemd service definition (thank you Reiner)@ see http://fcron.free.fr/doc/en/changes.html
I committed an ebuild into the systemd-love overlay: https://github.com/Sabayon/systemd-love/tree/master/sys-process/fcron It uses the upstream unit file.
There also exists a service file in the systemd overlay, but it does not work with current fcron. I provided a fix in bug #466642 (but please note the additional WantedBy change that is needed - my attachment is slightly broken!).
(In reply to comment #15) > There also exists a service file in the systemd overlay, but it does not > work with current fcron. I provided a fix in bug #466642 (but please note > the additional WantedBy change that is needed - my attachment is slightly > broken!). The fixed fcron.service was commited to the systemd overlay. It is the correct and working version without any additional changes being necessary.
(In reply to Dennis Schridde from comment #16) > (In reply to comment #15) > > There also exists a service file in the systemd overlay, but it does not > > work with current fcron. I provided a fix in bug #466642 (but please note > > the additional WantedBy change that is needed - my attachment is slightly > > broken!). > > The fixed fcron.service was commited to the systemd overlay. It is the > correct and working version without any additional changes being necessary. I will commit in a week if nobody disagrees. Thanks
+ 13 Jul 2013; Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> fcron-3.1.2.ebuild: + Install unit file (#393503) +
/usr/lib/systemd/system/fcron.init.systemd should probably be /usr/lib/systemd/system/fcron.service
also we have /usr/sbin/ as sbindir and exeinto /usr/libexec doexe fcron fcronsighup and ExecStart=@@DESTSBIN@/fcron which will point to /usr/sbin/fcron making the unit file totally defunc in any case, sorry
Will take care of it as soon as possible, thanks for noticing
+*fcron-3.1.2-r1 (20 Jul 2013) + + 20 Jul 2013; Pacho Ramos <pacho@gentoo.org> +fcron-3.1.2-r1.ebuild, + -fcron-3.1.2.ebuild: + Fix unit file installation (#393503#c19 by emil karlson) +