Hi, I had some spare time and tried to convert mod-auth-mysql from the ancient times to today. So I took the Debian package with the 4.3.9-13 patches, added the mutex patch and did some 1.3 -> 2.x conversion. I dropped a lot of redundant config options and Apache 1.3 support. On the other hand it now provides an AuthBasicProvider named "mysql" It's far away from being good code and I'm to lazy to do testing stuff. But for me it does what I need. Code is on github: https://github.com/machtfuernacht/mod_authnz_mysql
Ok... who is the bug intended for?
Just thought the Apache team might be interested.
The github repository no longer exists and there are no attachments. What should we do with this bug? CANTFIX?
No new info provided in 2 months with dead remote repository.