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Bug 381969 - Asus Notebook keyboard/backlight support kernel modules package
Summary: Asus Notebook keyboard/backlight support kernel modules package
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal enhancement (vote)
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
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Reported: 2011-09-05 19:36 UTC by mike
Modified: 2011-09-08 16:02 UTC (History)
0 users

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Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description mike 2011-09-05 19:36:11 UTC
asus-wmi.ko and asus-nb-wmi.ko module package to add to the kernel moduels avalible for patching or emerging genkernel opts etc. 
 a package would be of use as the kernel patches for my notebook ASUS G7sw for keys being backlit and or the convince keys would be also a niceity. 

mute sound card or un mute etc on demand would be good. 

Reproducible: Didn't try

Steps to Reproduce:
1. would like a pkg 
Actual Results:  
the sab instaler works fine on VMware however the usb 3 hangs the
Comment 1 mike 2011-09-05 19:42:52 UTC

git clone git://
asus-wmi.ko and asus-nb-wmi.ko

Backport module

For the old method, check Old_Backport_module
Download and build

First you need to download source code:

You can use git:

git clone git://

Or download directly an archive:;a=snapshot;h=master;sf=tgz

Then build the modules with make

Remote all the old modules

modprobe -r asus-laptop
modprobe -r asus-nb-wmi
modprobe -r asus-wmi
modprobe -r eeepc-wmi
modprobe -r eeepc-laptop

Load your modules (load asus-wmi.ko first for eeepc-wmi and asus-nb-wmi !):

insmod asus-wmi.ko
insmod eeepc-wmi.ko


insmod asus-laptop.ko


make install
Comment 2 Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn gentoo-dev 2011-09-05 19:50:02 UTC
These patch you linked to is already part of kernel 2.6.39, what exactly are you requesting here?
Comment 3 mike 2011-09-05 20:57:31 UTC
I havent seen it in the kernel used namily however.

figured scripts to emerge it would be handy. 

I've tried to setup sabayon , a minor variant , of Gentoo, it will use emerge etc . however they tend to use a diffrent stock kernel tree. 

VMware install of Sabayon works , installing to Notebook due to hardware and drivers it crashes , but the gentoo live cd works (USB 3 Fresco crashes thier kernel, 

emerge weeks of too.... get... notebook.....up.... 

if the driver changes it'd be handy to have it as a fresh package, reguarless of the tree , if not included in a vanilla or otherwise slap it on, kernel. 

equo tends to be much faster , than emerge ,least for Base spec of a system. however once a base system is up I can use the Traditional emerge. it tends to cut the looping emerges . 

just did'nt see it in the 3.03 kernel to set. , if it's in thier i didnt see it. 

? other name brands it is aliasied under ? ?? 

as A package , I should be abled to emerge a new kernel weither it has it or not , it will get it during emerge. less pain and fuss perhaps is what I was thinking.
Comment 4 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-09-06 00:07:29 UTC
I don't think we should add support in the minimal CDs for patches that haven't been added to gentoo-sources.
As Chí-Thanh stated the patch is already on kernel-2.6.39, we may just need to determine if it's missing in the CD or what we need to do to enable it on boot.
Comment 5 mike 2011-09-06 19:57:08 UTC
I figgured a simple virtual package to a installed gentoo (or gentoo variant) or chroot Gentoo
if patch applied & currrent , quit
(Kernel-xyz##) (if missing) else get patch apply paches; as needed; done.

via molecule (Sabayon {Gentoo}) or other , gentoo builders I or others can get ISO add to a patched iso if required unlikely. so far the i've used the 
emerge layman....... add Sabayon ,emerge req'd pkgs emerge equo , get curent list of pkgs , installed all req.

via vmware i have a working copy , add shared directory , use molecule Sabayon-6-xfce build iso <<< package in gentoo-Kernel from curent live dvd , include set as boot default  dump custom iso >>> problem solved. at my leasure. (I can make a custom live cd thats fixed to my hardware or other bleeding edge hardware)

my main concern is to ensure kernels , have this included , maintaining this minor add on. 

emerge kernel-new... (or any kernel for that fact)  < (ensure patches applied) Gentoo, Gentoo

> install /usr/src/linux(new version) < Simular to nvida ,alsa,kernel firmware packages , ensure,upgrade kernel modules if req.

genkernel -all ({would} auto-selects this once installed.) 

add build these modules as default.

add to the module loader scripts. 

maily wanted a package for , installed systems , to ease maintinace or , on emerge or genkernel the patches are installed as modules or modules-updater scripts put this out as needed.