Requires Vim7. VST is script which makes possible to export text files with simple markup to HTML or LaTeX format or S5 HTML presentation. Script doesn't require any external dependency and will work on any platform Vim7 is available. VST is implementation of reStructuredText. Supported elements of inline markup: - emphasised text (italic) - strongly emphasised text (bold) - hyperlinks (in various syntax forms) - custom decorations (among them: sub, sup, big, small) Elements of documents structure: - paragraphs - block quotes - ordered lists - unordered lists - option lists - footnotes - citations - images - preformatted text - colorized preformatted text (HTML export only) - tables - admonitions - table of contents Also bunch of auxiliary commands which should ease writing of document and navigating (folding, text table of contents, lists or declared links, replacements) Latest version of script:
You can use rst2<X> commands for conversion. These are part of distutils.
This plugin is about 10 years old. Not sure it still makes sense in 2017 to add it to Portage. Closing this report.