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Bug 375791 - dev-python/svgwrite (New Package)
Summary: dev-python/svgwrite (New Package)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal enhancement
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
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Reported: 2011-07-20 19:12 UTC by Florian Berger
Modified: 2016-10-14 10:46 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---

Experimental svgwrite ebuild (svgwrite-0.2.3.ebuild,412 bytes, text/plain)
2011-07-20 19:12 UTC, Florian Berger

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Description Florian Berger 2011-07-20 19:12:58 UTC
Created attachment 280485 [details]
Experimental svgwrite ebuild

svgwrite is a Python library to create SVG drawings. It is similar to dev-python/pysvg which is already in the tree, but more "pythonic" and better documented. The PyPI site is at .

I have created a dead simple ebuild which works for me, but surley needs improvement. Though it claims to be compatible to Python 3.x, there is a syntax error when "Compilation and optimization of Python modules for CPython 3.2" which I have reported upstream. Apart from that, it works flawlessly for me on Python 2.6.
Comment 1 Agostino Sarubbo gentoo-dev 2011-07-21 11:25:02 UTC
CC'ing python if is interested
Comment 2 Florian Berger 2011-07-21 12:06:51 UTC
The error emerging the ebuild is

 * Compilation and optimization of Python modules for CPython 3.2 ...
*** Error compiling /usr/lib/python3.2/site-packages/svgwrite/data/ ...
  File "/usr/lib/python3.2/site-packages/svgwrite/data/", line 2538
    except ParseException, err:
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
                                                                         [ !! ]

I have just learned from the author that "" is not meant to be compiled by Python 3. So the ebuild should somehow exclude it from compiling, but I do not yet know how to achieve this. Any hints would be welcome.
Comment 3 Patrice Clement (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2016-10-14 10:46:10 UTC
Reopen if you still want this ebuild in the tree.