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Bug 375705 - emerge dev-db/mysql-5.1.58 does not create 'mysql' account because mysql-v2.eclass is missing pkg_setup in EXPORT_FUNCTIONS
Summary: emerge dev-db/mysql-5.1.58 does not create 'mysql' account because mysql-v2.e...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Eclasses (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal major
Assignee: Gentoo Linux MySQL bugs team
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-07-20 00:10 UTC by Hank Leininger
Modified: 2011-07-20 14:25 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Add a missing 'pkg_setup' entry to EXPORT_FUNCTIONS in mysql-v2.eclass (mysql-v2_eclass-pkg_setup.diff,370 bytes, patch)
2011-07-20 00:13 UTC, Hank Leininger
Details | Diff

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Description Hank Leininger 2011-07-20 00:10:04 UTC
emerging dev-db/mysql for the first time on a system results in a nonworking mysql install: no 'mysql' user / group are created.

Tracking down where this was supposed to happen, /usr/portage/eclass/mysql-v2.eclass contains a mysql-v2_pkg_setup function whose job is to, among other things, create the mysql user & group if not present.

However, this function is never called during installation.  I think it is because the EXPORT_FUNCTIONS line is missing pkg_setup, so mysql-v2_pkg_setup is never pulled in.

Note that any system on which mysql has ever been installed in the past, should have the user/group already.  So this will only be noticed on fresh installations--on which it is a showstopper.

I will attach a one-line patch to mysql-v2.eclass that adds pkg_setup to EXPORT_FUNCTIONS.  With this, building mysql adds the user/group as expected (it might not be the right fix though).

Reproducible: Always

Probably the most relevant thing is my version of mysql-v2.eclass:

# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/mysql-v2.eclass,v 1.1 2011/07/13 07:01:47 robbat2 Exp $
Comment 1 Hank Leininger 2011-07-20 00:13:06 UTC
Created attachment 280421 [details, diff]
Add a missing 'pkg_setup' entry to EXPORT_FUNCTIONS in mysql-v2.eclass
Comment 2 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-07-20 14:25:39 UTC
I fixed this a few days ago on the overlay, but never pushed it to the tree. Fixed now.
The mysql-5.1.58 ebuild is still failing as I need to rework the 07110 patch.