In recent portage version there are many improvements in overlay handling, i.e. portage now displays from which overlay the ebuild comes from. But still this may may not give end user any hint on where to report bugs. Some ebuilds have a special warning to not to report bugs in official gentoo bugzilla, but some don't. It would be great if one could specify the url to bug tracker in some file like ${overlay}/profile/config and portage would then display it if the package fails to install * If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info ...', * the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv ...'. * This ebuild is from an overlay named 'overlay': '/var/lib/layman/multimedia/' * The complete build log is located at '...'. * Please report bugs at: Reproducible: Always
This would very much fit the freedesktop specification of BUG_REPORT_URL -
Looks like this should be handled (e.g.) in metadata/layout.conf which is outside the scope of PMS. Reassigning back to Portage team.