A short wile ago =x11-misc/notification-daemon-0.5.0 was introduced/became stable. It asks for >=media-libs/libcanberra-0.4. But the latest (and only) version in portage is 0.26. Reproducible: Always Actual Results: Upgrade not possible due to unsatisfied dependency. Last sync is from a few minutes ago.
26 is larger number that 4. need build.log, emerge --info
I'm stupid. I noticed the use flag message (depends on libcanberra[gtk], I have gtk globally off), but all I actually "saw" was the version number. I triple-checked everything before posting to not make a fool of myself, but after six years of Gentoo I'm still not used to the numbers changing in length. Added "media-libs/libcanberra gtk" to package.use and now all is ok. Sorry for wasting your time. -_-