IPython 0.10.2 has been just released. It fixes important bug that blocked GTK displays, so please bump... Highlights of this release: - The main one is the closing of github ticket #185, a major regression we had in 0.10.1 where pylab mode with GTK (or gthread) was not working correctly, hence plots were blocking with GTK. Since this is the default matplotlib backend on Unix systems, this was a major annoyance for many users. Many thanks to Paul Ivanov for helping resolve this issue. - Fix IOError bug on Windows when used with -gthread. - Work robustly if $HOME is missing from environment. - Better POSIX support in ssh scripts (remove bash-specific idioms). - Improved support for non-ascii characters in log files. - Work correctly in environments where GTK can be imported but not started (such as a linux text console without X11). Reproducible: Always
url to the announce: http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/ipython-user/2011-April/007485.html
dev-python/ipython-0.10.2 was added to the tree yesterday.