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Bug 359605 - Lastrite: www-misc/zoneminder
Summary: Lastrite: www-misc/zoneminder
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo TreeCleaner Project
Depends on:
Blocks: 285151 318831 320081 338400 340433 347890 357029
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2011-03-20 11:48 UTC by Samuli Suominen (RETIRED)
Modified: 2013-12-17 20:37 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Updated working zoneminder build (zoneminder-1.24.2-r1.ebuild,4.19 KB, text/plain)
2011-03-22 22:10 UTC, Lyall Pearce
Build log on new ebuild (build.log,35.46 KB, text/plain)
2011-03-22 22:49 UTC, Jared Griffith
Details (,971 bytes, patch)
2011-03-30 18:45 UTC, shadowvcd
Details | Diff
zm_local_camera.h.patch (zm_local_camera.h.patch,634 bytes, patch)
2011-03-30 18:47 UTC, shadowvcd
Details | Diff
zoneminder ebuild tweaked to incorporate 2 prev patches (zoneminder-1.24.2-r1.ebuild,4.29 KB, text/plain)
2011-03-30 18:53 UTC, shadowvcd
zoneminder-1.24.3_preview_20110130 (zoneminder.tar.gz,4.31 KB, application/octet-stream)
2011-03-31 16:36 UTC, Vladimir B. Vinogradov

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-03-20 11:48:16 UTC
Fails to build in various ways, see blocking/depending bugs. Last maintainer commit 03 Aug 2009, so it's safe to say the package is abandoned.
Comment 1 Vladimir B. Vinogradov 2011-03-21 08:12:13 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> Fails to build in various ways, see blocking/depending bugs. Last maintainer
> commit 03 Aug 2009, so it's safe to say the package is abandoned.


I obtained it from

The next thing is to stay zoneminder in portage tree is that there is no other such program.
Comment 2 Vladimir B. Vinogradov 2011-03-21 08:22:29 UTC
CPPFLAGS="-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS" emerge -av www-misc/zoneminder

Take my pardon for mistake in previous post.
Comment 3 Lyall Pearce 2011-03-21 21:43:46 UTC
Please do not delete this build.

The main program has not been updated for quite some time because it is so feature rich and it should only be a small fix to make this ebuild work correctly.

It is an awesome webcam/ip cam monitoring tools, allowing movement zones, capture, email of intrusions, etc.

It is actually sold by people as a solution for security.

Personally, I use it to watch my desk at work, so I can keep an eye on my stapler, but still, this is piece of software that rivals, and in many cases, beats many commercial pieces.


emerge zoneminder

Additionally, it requires -j 1 (only a single make thread), but that is already coded into the ebuild.
Comment 4 Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-03-22 12:11:48 UTC
I don't mind if someone finally fixes it, but I'm not looking to be a maintainer nor proxy maintainer for said package.  Status quo however is unsustainable. That's what lastrite is, last call for help.  You still have bug 357029 after solving the FFmpeg porting issue.
Comment 5 Lyall Pearce 2011-03-22 22:10:57 UTC
Created attachment 266931 [details]
Updated working zoneminder build

Please find attached an updated working ebuild

This e-build addresses
* parallel build - zoneminder wont build with more than -j1
* usage of ${ROOT} in the install area

This is basically a copy from bug 320081, tweaked slightly.
Comment 6 Jared Griffith 2011-03-22 22:49:20 UTC
Created attachment 266933 [details]
Build log on new ebuild

The new ebuild that you attached also fails on my system.  I have attached the build.log
Comment 7 Vladimir B. Vinogradov 2011-03-29 12:11:35 UTC
I've tested to install www-misc/zoneminder on latest amd64 with 2.6.36-r8 and 2.6.36-headers. I unmasked these packages to solve "missing keywords":

www-misc/zoneminder             **
dev-perl/PHP-Serialization      **
virtual/perl-Module-Load        **
perl-core/Module-Load           **

and install zoneminder with CPPFLAGS="-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS". It works fine.

But in ~amd64 with 2.6.38-r2 and 2.6.38-headers I can't install it.

The problem exists. Only a maintainer of maybe new maintainer can generate a new version for newer kernel sources.
Comment 8 shadowvcd 2011-03-30 18:45:27 UTC
Created attachment 267879 [details, diff]

patch 1 of 2 for bugs from this report.
Comment 9 shadowvcd 2011-03-30 18:47:22 UTC
Created attachment 267883 [details, diff]

patch 2 of 2 for the bugs at this address
Comment 10 shadowvcd 2011-03-30 18:53:24 UTC
Created attachment 267885 [details]
zoneminder ebuild tweaked to incorporate 2 prev patches

Ebuild tweaked incorporate previous 2 patches.

Built successfully for me using 

2.6.38 (sys-kernel/linux-headers)

with local overlay.
Comment 11 Vladimir B. Vinogradov 2011-03-31 16:36:19 UTC
Created attachment 268001 [details]

testing ebuild for ZoneMinder-1.24.3 preview as of 2011.01.30 from
Comment 12 Matteo Contri 2011-04-21 07:51:20 UTC
i sucessfully compiled zoneminder-1.24.2 on ~amd64 with this command:

ZM_SSL_LIB='openssl' FEATURES='-ccache' CXXFLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS emerge zoneminder
Comment 13 Tomáš Chvátal (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-04-28 15:54:37 UTC
Removed from main tree.
Comment 14 Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-04-28 16:45:18 UTC
Because I know this was a popular application, and useful too, you can find the old ebuilds from here:

But nobody was intrested in maintaining this, so it was removed.
Comment 15 Christian Huldt 2011-04-29 14:09:45 UTC
What does it take to maintain this?
I might consider maintaining it, but I really have no idea what it takes...
Comment 16 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2011-09-16 20:00:45 UTC
Just for the record, if I find the time, I'll try to revive the application. Look in my dev overlay for work in progress. 

If anyone is interested in proxy-maintaining, please contact me.